Reply To: Tu B�Av – Put the Girls in the Freezer

Home Forums Shidduchim Tu B�Av – Put the Girls in the Freezer Reply To: Tu B�Av – Put the Girls in the Freezer


JPhone: if you believe that total number of dating boys and girls are equl than your

theory doesn’t make any sense. How could there be so many more single girls than single guys.

if there are not enought x men for the x girls. Than there should be not enough y girls for the y men. WHERE are all these y men???? THEY ARE MARRIED as well

it is really NOT doctorate level math

Tzippy: it is not I who have labeled “good” boys not “good boys”. Frankly that not part of my terminology as my whole interest is figuring how to give ALL girls an opportunity to get married. The present inequity of numbers doesn”t allow that. You see I don’t really care what label the unfourunate leftover girls are given. In my book it is all tragic and gong forward it is clearly AVOIDABLE, if we only pay attention…..