Reply To: Ta’aruvos in YWN Coffee Room?

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Ta’aruvos in YWN Coffee Room? Reply To: Ta’aruvos in YWN Coffee Room?

YW Moderator-72

If we make a Men Only thread, does that mean that the men will only be allowed to post to that thread and women will only be allowed to post to the ladies only thread?

If there are going to be gender neutral threads, what is the point of the separate threads.

here is the Poll question of the day:

1) Do we designate all new threads as Male or Female use only and close all previous threads?

2) Do we designate all new threads as Male or Female use only and label all previous threads appropriately?

3) Do we designate all new threads as Male or Female use and allow all previous threads to remain gender neutral?

4) Do we scrap the whole labeling of threads with the exception of The Women’s Tznius Support Group?