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mybat said; “actually the only Muslims that do practice polygamy are very, very wealthy sheiks”

That is absolutely NOT true! Altough many wealthy arabs have muliple wives,

It is common practice for regular muslims as well. Many muslim across the board

even in Israel, Gaza & here in the united states, yes I know that for a fact!

I know a guy who lives here and has at least two wives.

He said that he is the boss in his home and life is great. They do whatever he wants,

not complaining, and that they aren’t spoiled like americans.

He said he buys them rolls of fabric and they make their own clothing

which last them for years. He was laughing about how he’s lucky he is that

he doesn’t have american wives, which one outfit would cost him more than he spens in a year on fabric. He was also bragging about how many kids he has.

This guy works here in the u.s. as a repairman.