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MM: you are hysterical. I actually know the people who spoke to many of the R”Y and discussed with them the numbers. But I guess you’re right. The Rabbonim probably suggested more close in age shidduchim for the fun of it not because of any numerical data suggesting that therein lies the key to alleviating the situation. HELLO. Anyone home??


Point “B”: There is no scientific data on when boys and girls start dating. In “right wing” schools (I strongly dislike such classifications but) for lack of a better term it is pretty clear that the overwhelming majority of girls begin dating shortly after returning from seminary HS+1. Whereas the boys don’t start dating until 22/23 which HS+5. This is not an ABSOLUTE rule just a very very common practice. Do you deny this?

Point “c”: Problem is subjective. In my world and in the world of the R”Y who signed the letter the present situation with many many girls having no shot to get married- that’s a huge problem.

I’m just curious why it seems that so many more girls seem to get the “short end” than the boys.

In summation: you write “I truly do believe that their is enough boys for girls, and vice versa.”. you are WRONG, no two ways about it. This isn’t about beliefs- it’s about reality.