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That segment of the population is forced by discriminatory laws to avoid productive labor; nevertheless it has produced several business tycoons mainly in real estate, diamonds and even biotech – most of whom have large operations outside the country. And we all know that this segment of the population, when not faced with discriminatory laws, is among the most productive and most self-reliant in the world. (that is unless you mean the leftist artists of Sheinkin and lazy, nasty bureaucratic drones of the government offices that stifle enterprise, and not the haredi sector, which you know very well is trying to find ways to break out of the cycle set up for them by the “pen yirbu” policies of the state.)

On the other hand, the state depends on US aid for defense and is therefore beholden to US dictates. It is independent in terms of domestic policy, but not in terms of foreign policy or defense. This is again OK with me because a state in Eretz Yisroel that is not run al pi Torah is a toeva and I prefer American oversight given the corruption, immaturity and lack of statesmanship of the politicians of the medine.

With the present administration in the US being biased toward a European type view of the Middle East, this endangers the safety of Jews everywhere. Sadly, even with the results of yesterday’s gubernatorial races in NJ and VA, I predict that the present administration will be elected to another term only because no clear alternative seems to be available and more and more “Middle Americans” want the expansion of a nanny state so that they can do less and get more.

Once again I remind you that when your government destroyed shuls in Gaza, hooligans in Kiev started up with Jews there. Why? Because they see that the state, which they mistakenly conflate with Jews (the rabbis of Kiev are not tzioinim) destroys Jewish property, they celebrate and figure they can do the same because Jews are weak.

That is why I am prouder that I speak, albeit with many errors and Anglicisms, the language spoken by my friends’ parents and grandparents who stayed frum and spread Yiddishkeit in the Soviet Union during the worst of times, as opposed to being so fluent in the bastardized tongue of Ben-Yehuda that I am asked why I do not have a passport of the state every time I am questioned by El Al security both at my port of departure and upon arrival in Lod Airport.