Reply To: The Bus Problem

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MM wrote “Since the guy is acting different than he would have (whether showering or whatever) if he was in a guy only environment, it is clear that his reason is to try to ingratiate himself with nearby people of the opposite gender. That is objectionable according to our Torah traditions.”

This is absurd. First, people should maintain proper hygiene, at all times, regardless of whether they are in a mixed environment or not. When you walk around dirty and smelly and are identifiable as a Jew, you make a chilul Hashem. Second, just because the presence of women might alert someone that its not acceptable to go around with bad body odor, whereas they’d be oblivious only among men, does not mean that the only reason that they wake up and clean up is to “ingratiate himself with nearby people of the opposite gender.” It is proper to maintain good hygiene and whatever alerts someone to that is a good thing. There is absolutely nothing in our Torah traditions that requires anyone to maintain themselves in a state where they are repulsive to the other gender. Nothing at all. Maintain standards of tznius, of course. But let your hygiene go- no way.