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Lakewood: Tehillim needed for Dr. Golub

tehillim new.jpgA Lakewood Tehillim chain call was activated on Friday for the venerable Dr Golub, after a serious Machla R”L was purportedly found. Dr Golub is a Tzaddik, a true mentch, and someone who works tirelessly for the Tzibbur. Please be Mispallel for Mordechai Leib ben Ita. In the Zechus of all the Chesed he has done, may Hashem send him an extremely swift recovery, together with the rest of Cholei Yisroel. (Click on image to ENLARGE a Kapittal Tehillim.)

6 Responses

  1. Oy! May Hashem send him a speedy Refuah Shelaima! He is a real mentch and is needed by so may in the Lakewood community.

  2. Dr. Michael Golub is an asset to ALL of Klal Yisroel not just Lakewood. We need to daven hard for this young pediatrician. Anyone who comes into contact with him, can immediately feel how much he cares about another person. Dr. Golub is well on his way to being Klal Yisroel’s next Dr. Shanik shlit”a.

    Please please don’t stop davening. Maybe each one of us can accept on ourselves a small kabala in his zechus. Perhaps if we take Dr. Golub as an example, we could accept to be mevater a little bit more than we usually do for our spouse/sister/friend….anyone who the yetzer works hard to cause hurt feelings. Accept it for a day, or a week. Pick one person, and try it. Even if your mevater a little bit, and even one time, then your restraining yourself for the honor of Shomayim, and you’ll be making a VERY REAL difference in the outcome. Together we could change things, because the Av Harachamim knows how to make zechusim from small maasim of His Dear People, and this can be the straw that tips the scale that rips up this terrible decree.

  3. The correct name of his mother is Yita. So please everybody please be mispallel for Mordechai Leib ben Yita. He is such a special person and he needs our tefilos.

  4. I was so saddened to hear this news. He’s such a considerate thorough dr. and I was privileged to have him check my child many times. Oy, this is terrible!

  5. Perhaps these calls for Tehillim (which are happening all too often) should remain on top of YW for a few days, rather than being lost in the archives whee nobody sees them and thus nobody davens. Thanks. Or perhaps a side bar with the names can permanently be posted (until the people have a refuah shelaima)

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