Reply To: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis

Home Forums Shidduchim YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis Reply To: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis






1) false-No Nasi person ever wrote that. What you claimed in a earlier post (months ago) was totally taken out of context. (I actually asked the person who you quoted). What was stated was that It is necessary to inform people of the situation EVEN if it scary. NO ONE is making up false info. To write that a misquote that you made up is what irks people – is frankly ridiculous

2) false- The monetary incentive was designed to put the issue on the map. When people went to vorts/chassunos they would inevitable talk about the ages since money was on the line. The financial incentive was to date the single greatest factor in putting the issue on the map.Where on earth did you dream up that it was designed to benefit shadchanim. The singles benefited by puting the issue on the map

3) false. a) There is no enrollment fee. b) It is not aimed at girls (the add specifically doesn’t mention girls or boys). c) NASI does not redd shidduchim. other than these mistakes you are on the money. Pathetic.

It is a simple fundraiser stating B”H the NASI Project has been unbelievably successful. With more help from the community we could do even more.