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PHOTOS: German Ambassador Visits United Hatzalah’s Headquarters

When Germany’s ambassador, Dr. Harald Kindermann came to visit the headquarters of United Hatzalah he may have been expecting a routine stop at an Israeli institution of emergency medical care. What he found when he arrived was far more compelling. It was the dispatch center with its broad array of advanced technology manned by Orthodox Jews that first struck the ambassador as ironic. Mainstream Israeli and international media had always painted the Orthodox Jew as a parochial religious student not inclined to the study or master advanced technology. Listening to cacophony of the squawking walkie-talkies, beepers and telephones, consulting the various large-screen plasma monitors and utilizing the GPS-based dispatch software these Orthodox Jewish volunteers and members of Israel’s civil service barely seemed to notice the ambassadorial retinue that entered the dispatch center. One member of the group who had been a medic in Germany’s emergency medical service as part of his civil service said that this technology was far more advanced than the technology currently in use in Germany.

Eli Beer, Chief Coordinator of United Hatzalah explained “Saving lives is one of the highest Jewish ideals. All resources must be marshaled towards this goal, technology, manpower and finances.” Ambassador Kindermann commented “I am impressed by the dedication of the medics of United Hatzalah to help saving people’s lives regardless of their religious, political or cultural background. The admirable services delivered by United Hatzalah serve as an example for humanity and tolerance.” ” Ambassador Kindermann pledged to help expose more people to this picture of real life in Israel and to do whatever he could to advance the mission of United Hatzalah.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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