Reply To: Drinking On SImchas Torah

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YW Moderator-42

The fact that people don’t duchen at Mussaf on Simchas Torah is a din in not duchening at the time of Mincha because it is the time of day when people normally drink. This is a din every day of the year, not just on Simchas Torah. At the Netz minyan that I davened at, they actually did Birchas Kohanim at Mussaf because it was still well before mincha gedola and there had not been a kiddush yet. Most other minyanim don’t get to mussaf until after mincha gedola so tehreforee cannot duchen then. This is in no way a ra’aya that there is a mitzvah/minhag to drink on Simchas Torah more than any other Yom Tov. It is merely the fact that kiddush is made on wine as on any othe rShabbos or Yom TOv and therefore a kohain may not be fit to duchen at that time