Reply To: Bochurim Hitching Rides on Avenue M

Home Forums Litoeles H'rabim! Bochurim Hitching Rides on Avenue M Reply To: Bochurim Hitching Rides on Avenue M


1: Are there laws that regulate hithiking in NYC? If yes, does anyone know where one can find the specifics?

2: Once someone is picked up (a poor choice of words), are there any rules that govern the “obligation” of the driver or the “rights” of the passenger? For example, if I am listening to Bloomberg radio (because I listened to the last of the torah tapes in the car, the 6 hour trip took longer than anticipated), must I turn it off because my passenger doesnt like it? Can the passenger demand I not listen to sports talk radio? At what point can I pull over and say “enough complaining, keep your mouth shut or walk in the rain”?