Reply To: Kapparos: Chickens, Fish, or Money?

Home Forums Yom Tov Yom Kippur Kapparos: Chickens, Fish, or Money? Reply To: Kapparos: Chickens, Fish, or Money?


Halacha 9 addresses what you said It doesn’t matter if someone snitches…. Don’t provide anything to snitch about, and it won’t be a problem. The Rambam clearly says that it is a problem. This is before the fact. This is instruction for the would-be moiser.

Halacha 10 is before and after the fact. It applies to everyone else besides the moiser. It contains our instructions on how to deal with cretins who snitch.

In an ex-post facto situation (which is the case here), I would advise learning the first 8 halachos in the Perek, which state that a moiser has to pay damages. That would be the path toward teshuva.