Reply To: Is Learning Science Spiritually Dangerous?

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Ames, I’ve skimmed through most of the posts (I’m 7 days post partum, so I don’t have that much time) and I just wanted to offer you my words of “wisdom.”

First, learning anything, including Torah can be spiritually dangerous. Just think of the four people who learned pardes…

You seem to have a strong emotional and religious support system. If learning about astronomy strengthens your emunah, I recommend continuing. If there is anything that begins to bother you, talk to the people you trust – your husband, your rabbonim, your family. Its ok to ask questions and understand even if you think it sounds like you are turning to kefira. Its important to understand where you are going wrong, why you are going wrong or how you are misunderstanding things.

There are people who don’t find science and nature spiritually fulfilling and its hard for them to understand why you want to learn it. Its like trying to explain to me why music is beautiful – I just don’t appreciate it.

Good luck and shana tovah!