Reply To: Budget Crisis! Bais Yaakov of Boro Park Cannot Open Yet This Year

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Joseph- But many degree-requiring jobs can be done at other times. Ex: Lawyers: the court is only open monday through friday. There is work that has to be done outside of courts and that can be done sunday or during the week ect. Other medical professionals, like OT, PT, doctors, dentists ect can choose their own hours to work or can arrange to take the hours that others dont want: sunday, goyish holidays ect. Jobs that are obtained through training programs are lower on the totem pole of job-hierarchy and have little choice on when to work. But these things differ based on the particular job or trade. Also, jobs that need little college education may attract a certain segment of the goyish population that we might not want to work with…

Back to a point discussed before: why are some parts of the frum world so against the men and women learning a trade/career? Yes, there are jobs that dont need a lot of schooling, but openings for some of these jobs are few and far between.