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Thanks. The shidduch system that we have today is a lot different than the system they used for 3,500 yrs. There was a completely different dating method. Boys never took the girl on ten dates before he decided that he actually liked her looks, personality, sense of humor…It was much more like the chassidish way of dating where the parents basically chose a boy/girl and they met once or twice. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think there are much less older singles by the chassidim because of this. My chassidish friends can’t understand how we can date so many guys to try and find Mr. Perfect. They met one or two and shoiyn, it’s perfect.

I could think of at least 10 single girls that are around their thirties off the top of my head, and there really aren’t that many older boys 27+ that would rather go out with girls 28, 29… over the 22+ girls. Maybe the singles have just gotten too picky with looking for “the one” but from what I see the crisis is out of control and very sad.