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regarding Aleinu: (I always work backwards;))

– keep in mind that your t’fillah is a gift and Aleinu is the wrapping. It’s all in the presentation…

– one posuk always holds my attention: shelo ossonu k’goyey ha’aratzos v’lo somonu k’mishpachos ha’adama, shelo sum chelkeinu kahem v’goraleinu k’chol hamonom. Sheheim mishtachavim LOHEVEL VORIK u’mispalelim el k-l V’LO YOSHIA! V’ANACHNU korim! u’mishtachavim! u’modim! lifnei MELECH MALCHEI HAMLACHIM HAKADOSH BARUCH HU! she’hu noteh shomayim…

I literally smirk to myself every time I say this posuk. It’s such a smug feeling :):) What a bunch of bumbling fools they are!

Now don’t get me wrong- I am not this outstanding davener- this is just a posuk that always makes me take notice & helps me focus on the rest of ALEINU