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Jewish group wants CNN Dobbs fired over Nazi remark

cnn logo.jpgA Jewish group is calling for the firing of an outspoken CNN anchor, Lou Dobbs, after he accused advocates for illegal immigrants of using propaganda techniques employed by Nazi Germany.

“Comparisons to Nazis — especially in this day and age — are abhorrent,” the president and CEO of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Gideon Aronoff, said in a statement yesterday. ” Mr. Dobbs has crossed the line between responsible television commentary and hate-speech propaganda of his own. Keeping him on the air is essentially sanctioning by CNN — which is why we’re asking CNN to remove Dobbs from his very public platform.”

In a broadcast last week, Mr. Dobbs denounced immigrant-rights groups for portraying a crackdown on illegal immigration as a threat to foreigners who live in America legally.

“They might as well work for Herman Göring,” Mr. Dobbs said. “I mean, they’re running so much propaganda, trying to confuse the debate, the national dialogue, by talking about immigrants rather than illegal aliens and legal immigrants. It’s mindless beyond belief.”

(NY Sun)

12 Responses

  1. On the one hand using the term “Nazis” is a bit extreme. On the other hand, the proponents of illegal immigration is manipulating the dialogue with vocabulary. A bit better judgement and some more tact would have been appreciated.

  2. I don’t understand what the big deal is. Isn’t he saying that Nazi propaganda is mindless beyond belief? Is that so horrible? It’s not necessarily a sign of anti-semitism. Besides, making a big deal about this doesn’t look so good in the eyes of the public – it’s nit picking.

  3. It’s about time that it was found clear evidence about CNN being anti-semitic. Lou Dobbs is not the only anti semite on CNN.

  4. Tell the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society president and CEO to get a job. How absurd to get upset about that statement.

    He probably doesn’t understand Dobbs’ remark.

    Can anyone tell me how many members this society has?

  5. I agree with Dobbs is comments. The real Nazi in “Journalism” is Keith Olberman and his “Sieg Heil” salute. Yeah, the Jewish liberals are going after Dobbs because he is a conservative, and they are beholden to the illegal immigrants, when they should be going after the leftist communist from Hell, Keith Olberman

  6. These are bored people who have nothing to do with their lives other than make a tumult and a chillul hashem. They like copying other “minotiry” groups who like complaining about every kvetch.

  7. dobbs is no anti-semite, he just caught the hias liberal with his pants down. they are illegal aliens plain and simple. they should be catergorized as such!

  8. The biggest anti semites are these rabble rousers. In my eyes they are no different to jesse jackson and al sharpton

  9. mikedrezz, you mean jesse “hymietown” jackson and al “get rid of the white interlopers” sharpton

  10. this is absurd. The jewish group doesn’t even realize that it is falling into a liberal trap. soon all hosts who are “conservative” will have been forced off the air. SHAME ON THEM!! Act on the behalf of JEWS, not your self agendas.

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