Reply To: 3 Boys in Japan

Home Forums In The News 3 Boys in Japan Reply To: 3 Boys in Japan


I read the article in Mishpacha. It was clearly written to pull at the heartstrings. But it was missing an important ingredient: How did a judge in a democratic country that is not known for corruption, find one boy guilty so far? Clearly there is much more to the story than that which is reported in Mishpacha.

The line early in the article suggesting that drugs are not known in yeshivas would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic. “The insular chareidi Torah world that these boys inhabit does not include street drugs…”. Sadly, we are all aware that the opposite is true.

Finally, the article would have been a lot more believable if it had included even a small amount of sympathy for the intended victims of the people who sent the drugs.