Reply To: 3 Boys in Japan

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Please Daven for these boys who “live” in inhumane conditions. Here is a Nusach of a “Tefilla”:

Our Father in Heaven, please be filled with mercy for our brethren who are languishing in a Japanese jail;

Only You, the Creator of all, can fully feel their pain and suffering that is far beyond human description;

From Your Throne of Mercy, please make their pitiful and fearfully miserable plight rise up to You;

Deprived of all creature comforts, devoid of contact with their family and nation;

Please do not forsake them in their moment of great need; do not leave them in the hand of their tormentors any longer.

Overnight three healthy young men have become dreadfully sickened;

Taken over by forces so powerful that have virtually squeezed out their very life blood;

Ribbono Shel Olam, if our sins have brought this catastrophe on our brethren, we are ready to do any act of Teshuva necessary;

Our Master, how mighty is Your name throughout the land, please reach out mercifully with Your outstretched arm;

And pluck them out of captivity, back to the loving arms of their families;

Ribbono Shel Olam, You are the ultimate Matir Assurim, the Helper and Support of the helpless;

Please consider this predicament of the 3 boys in heinous imprisonment as a Tzoro of the highest proportions, deserving of your unlimited mercy;

Your Scheina is with them, being imprisoned, languishing in inhumane conditions;

Please join our Tefillos, however inadequate they are, with the desperate cries of these boys from the deepest pit of all mankind;

Our Merciful Father, please remember the parents and families of these 3 boys;

Whose suffering is beyond human imagination, their nightmare is indescribable;

Please arise oh Caretaker of all the downtrodden and release them from the hands of their captors;

Break their shackles and return them in peace and health to their families;

Restore to them and their families Simcha and the basic human amenities of freedom.

Avinu Shebashoyim, instead of the joys of a Chasunah that other young men have to look forward to;

These boys have only to look forward to days upon seemingly endless days of inhuman horror;

Our faculties are so shaken, our insides so twisted in sorrow and agony at the thought of their tribulations;

Please release them from their bondage, may their suffering come to a merciful end in a most happy way;

Allow them to return to their homes in Eretz HaKodesh to serve You once again with unrestrained joy in their souls and with reinvigorated bodies.

Ribbono Shel Olam, our simple souls cannot imagine any future or happiness for those languishing in those fearsome conditions;

But You on High, understand the purpose of their suffering and pain and see their future, through the dimness of this tragedy;

But will they have any future at all if they remain in the dungeons that strip mankind of their sanity?;

Our Father and King, we come before You to ask that You act for the sake of Your Name, so Powerful and Merciful;

For the sake of Your Scheina that lies with them in their horror and for the sake of releasing their families and all of us from the bitter wormwood that we taste as long as they are in captivity;

Please fulfill for them the words: And the ransomed of Hashem shall return, and come to Tzion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.