Reply To: 3 Boys in Japan

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Whats the difference if they are guilty or innocent?the fact is that they are part of the jewish nation, and they are our brothers, and now they are in pain, so now we have to daven for their safety and freedom. REGARDLESS of whether they are guilty or not!!!

besides for the fact that lets just be very happy that we are not judged according to what we deserve, because then our lives would be very very very different!!Lets be very happy that hashem is judging us with rachmanos. Also, even the japenese judicial system knows that they didnt know what they were doing,but they claim-“THEIR THE ONES CAUGHT WITH THE DRUGS, THEY SHOULD PAY FOR IT” and also, they want to enforce the severity of bringing drugs into their country. So basically these 3 boys are the scape goats for the world.So PLEASe everyone take something upon yourself in the zchus for these 3 boys.

One of the boys alreadyfinished his trial and his getting his verdict on May 1st, so lets daven now before its too late.

The other 2 boys are staring their trial in a few weeks.this doesnt mean that theres time to waste before daveniing for them..the more tefilos the better!!

to hear updates on them call 718 305 5000-the kol haolam koolo hotline. click in the american news option, then interviews, then – an interview on the updates of the 3 boys in japan.