Reply To: Reporting News Events – Proper or Chilul HaShem?

Home Forums YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues Reporting News Events – Proper or Chilul HaShem? Reply To: Reporting News Events – Proper or Chilul HaShem?


mdlevine, how is each and every story reported lto’eles? And every comment made and accepted, are you alleging is lto’eles to??

Even if something IS lto’elese, it can ONLY be said to the persons it may benefit. It may not be said to anyone else. In fact, if the only way to tell someone that IS lto’elese will result in htat information being dispersed as well to others who it is not lto’eles, then it may NOT be told even to the person who it is lto’elese for!! (e.g. if by telling someone not to be mshaddich with such and such person since he did something wrong; if the person who you tell that to will spread that information, you may not tell it to that person — even though it is lto’eles.)

Better to be moida doing something wrong, then to do it whilst claiming it is all kosher.