Reply To: Who’s Your Favorite for Moderator?

Home Forums YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues Who’s Your Favorite for Moderator? Reply To: Who’s Your Favorite for Moderator?

Will Hill

Now here are my nominations:

1) jO jO is DEFINITELY one. Half of his new threads are immediately made sticky. And even more incriminating, everyone (besides the Editor and mods) has the word “Member” linked under their screen name,on the left of each comment in the coffee room. Well a few weeks ago, instead of saying Member by jO jO it said “Shmendrik”.

2) Joe Schmo. He is the oldest registered user on YW, besides the Editor. See: (Registered users are given sequential number in the order of registration. Change that number and see. Good hack, eh?)

3) jphone. This is an educated hunch.

This comment is likely to be edited, deleted, or get the whole thread closed or removed. But hey, thats life. 🙂