Reply To: Tznius Standards

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As the site on “Lubavitch and Rav Belsky’ is closed, I am using this post to answer Zalman’s diatribe agsint me on that post, ref. teaching gemoro to women/girls. I will not, for now, enter into a long discussion of this because it requires a long post,but I would urge you to look at the “Perisha” on the Tur. ( I do hope you know what the Perisha is..)

Anothier thing_ amongst the long posts you wrote , you brought down a Radvaz On the Rambam about milchemet mitzvah (or choivah,according to some sources). You mentioned that the Radvaz -commentary on the Rambam-syas that this does not mean actually going to war but just “leaving her “shevah brochos”. Well , the Radvaz in Hichos melochim does NOT say anything of that kind. Please tell me where you found that statement. From all Poskim , and the gemoro, it is evident that it DOES mean to go to war and waging war(kallah mechuposso..) there is one source that seesm to imply a similar appraoch and I will wait to see whether you know it too….