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oomis: I will continue to refrain from answering your personal insults and stick to the Halachic issue.

If you would have read what I have posted carefully, you would have seen that I am referring to cherrybim’s rumors that Reb Moshe’s anonymous “talmidim and family members” heard from him differently then he wrote in Igros”.

“And you still do not get the fact that the older stoves are NOT being extinguished (or perhaps you believe that this is kibuyi, even though the flame remains lit).”

Actually you are the one who does not get it. I have repeatedly quoted the Rema, Mishna Berura and Reb Moshe that there is NO DIFFERENCE.

Why don’t you at least post the name and phone number of your son’s friend’s Rebbie, the “other Rav” you asked so we can confirm and hear his reasoning.

I look forward to hearing your Rav’s opinion, but I can’t commit to accept whatever an unknown person says, and I don’t judge people based on the Yeshiva they learned in, for better or for worse. I’m sure your Rav is a wonderful person, but I can’t know his scholarship or if there was a miscommunication without seeing a detailed, written psak or speaking to him personally.

BTW, do you think it would be wrong to tell someone not to eat a cheeseburger???