Reply To: The AZ thread – discuss the shidduch “age gap”

Home Forums Shidduchim The AZ thread – discuss the shidduch “age gap” Reply To: The AZ thread – discuss the shidduch “age gap”


Why are you still quoting a 3.5% growth, when I have already shown that the study you base your facts on says ~2%. 2% * 3year age difference equals 6%, minus 5% more boys born leaves us only 1% more girls then boys. Clearly the “age gap” is NOT a significant factor in the shidduch crisis. As you have written frequently AZ, the key is knowing the source of the problem, and the age gap is not it. you opened the “shidduchim and commitment” thread saying that fear of commitmen is the key to shidduch problems, why have you jumped on the “age gap” bandwagon?