Reply To: American Olim

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel American Olim Reply To: American Olim


I take it from what has been posted here that no kids go OTD in the States.

If this is so, then that must be compensation for the fact living outside E”Y means your kiyum mitzvot is only practise for the real thing, when you are zocheh to come here 😉

Seriously, though, there are kids who have never set foot outside EY who have gone OTD and kids who survive aliyah without doing so. There are so many factors involved, that it is way too simplistic to make a blanket statement about kids of olim going OTD.

What is more, plenty of kids act out when going through adolescence and that includes doing things that pain their parents from a religious point of view. With many this is a temporary stage, a question of forging their own identity.

BTW we made aliyah 10 years ago with bli ayin hara 8 children aged at the time 2-14.