Reply To: Shavous Learning

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OK, I hear what you are saying. But at no point was anyone talking about neglecting their duties.

Lets look at Jfem for a moment – she is a young, single woman. She enjoys learning and is spiritually uplifted by it. Why shouldn’t she be learning as much as she can?

Remember, women have NO obligation to get married and have children. So if a woman prefers learning to child rearing (not that the two are mutually exclusive either), there should be no reason why she shouldn’t follow the more spiritually fulfilling path. Especially in this case, a woman would be choosing between spiritual fulfillment and a lack of spiritual fulfillment, not between something that is assur or mutar. You are not talking about serving an idol because you find it spiritually uplifting – you are talking about avodat hashem (even when NOT obligatory).

I understand where you are coming with your example, but I do disagree with the premise. Woman are obligated in certain mitzvot – they are not obligated in child rearing. I think a better example is to look at women who daven maariv. They are not obligated, but if it helps them spiritually, it is important for them. If they choose to go to minyan because they find that more spiritually uplifting, that is great for them – but again, no obligation.