Reply To: 3rd Circuit: Parent Can’t Read Bible to Son’s Public School Class

Home Forums In The News 3rd Circuit: Parent Can’t Read Bible to Son’s Public School Class Reply To: 3rd Circuit: Parent Can’t Read Bible to Son’s Public School Class


This should be an easy issue for Yids: no religion in public schools. It’s a fundamental requirement of the US constitution. It was put there by Unitarians and other congregationalist Protestants so that they would not have to pay a tax to the Anglican Church or otherwise have their tax dollars used to support religions they did not subscribe to. As Yidden, we ought to know that if public money is spent to promote religion, it won’t be our religion. Admittedly, this results in a severe deficiency in public education, but if the teaching of religion is allowed in public schools, the promoters of particular religions will be lined up looking to convert everyone – especially assimilated Yids – to their religions, and that is not a good thing.