Reply To: R’ Shloimele Z”L

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to cantoresq…I do not understand your question about mimkomcho at all.Is there any specific nussach that is immutable on that part of kedusha? I have heard countless of different variations on mimkomchu

As far as nussach in general, pray tell, which nussach are you talking about? the Chassidische nussach? the maharil’s? Maybe Levandowsky? Or maybe the yemenite one? there are as many nussachs as there are Jewish people and thank G-d for them. Sure, there is a traditional nussach on many of the tefillos but so what? Shlomo zz’l initiated a new nussach, specifically for kabbolas shabbos, and half the world sings it now. I am sorry that you don’t like his songs and music but this is a far cry from saying that “his progeny destroyed the traditional music of prayer”. PLEEZE!!!


Indeed Mimkomcho, like the rest of the Shacharit Kedusho is supposed to be suing int he Ahava Rabbah mode. SC’s is in the western (i.e. not the pentatonic) major. How do I know the rule on might ask. Look in any primary source of nusach, like Baer’s Ba’al Tefilah, Ephros’ anthology, Ravitz’s books, Ne’eman’s books, and they all set Mimkomcho in the ahava Rabbah.

When I refer to nusach, I refer to the traditional prayer modes as handed down to us from our forefathers. Indeed they date back to the Maharil and even further back to Temple times. Chassidic nusach, when it’s done properly also adheres to the rules and modes as given to us by tradition. Yemenite nusach is based on the 24 makamot which happen to closely resemble the Ashkenazi prayer modes. It’s well known that much of Lewandowski’s music, while beautiful, is not nusach. Sc did not create new nusach for anything. He abandoned the traditional modes and substitued his folk melodies. That isn’t nusach, it’s just so much nonsense that people eagerly swallow up becuase it is feel good hand clapping nonsense as opposed to serious and dignified worship. That you ask “so what” to traditional nusach, tells me that you simply don’t understand the importance of it. But here’s a hint, the Maharil believed his daughter died becuase he once departed from the traditional nusach when he davened for the amud.