Reply To: Lycra long sleeve shirts

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Lycra long sleeve shirts Reply To: Lycra long sleeve shirts


WOW,lgbg, all I can say is thatI am highly unimpressed with what you wrote. That would even be an understatement, I am embarrassed.I do not know you, what you look like or how you choose to represent yourself but I do know that from what I have learned from my teachers, what you wrote is completely incorrect. To just be quite would be as if I agree, I therefore feel compelled to respond. I suggest that you go back to this rebbitzen of yours and speak it out. When you say as tight as you want are you just referring to the sleeves or the entire body. Lets say that the pencil skirt, belt, and fitted sleeves are all sensitivities. Not osur but sensitivities. Does that mean that there is NOTHING wrong with it?