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I am going to break my resolution in not always responding to the many subjects posted but I feel that, “lema-an ha-emess” some of the postings who claim to be halachally authoritative muts be corrected.

Matisyohu28 writes “pants are assur for an entirely different reason” and then goes on to make all pants “ossur”. I hate to break it to you,in view of your snide remarksa about modern orthodoxy, but you are totally wrong. Pants that are made for women are NOT beged ish and there are some pants that can be worn, although I understand that the chareidi oilam does not wear it.

Rav Ovadia Josef shelita explicitly allows pants of a certain cut and all you need is to check the Bach and other Poskim to see that pants can be worn. Last time I looked, the Bach and the Shach were of the “old’ generation……