Violent Crime Up In New York City

Halfway through the year, crime has increased in all but one of the most violent felonies, and shootings plague neighborhoods all over the city.

The overall crime rate through June 27 is down 1% percent, thanks to a 7% drop in grand larcenies. The other six categories of major felonies, however, are up.

Murders have jumped 11%, to 221 from 199, and rapes are up 13%, from 555 to 629. More people have been shot this year, 799 compared to 748, a 7% increase.

Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne, NYPD’s top spokesman, said the agency changed its strategy after noticed that most of the recent shootings occurred outside, after midnight.

He also said the NYPD is fighting its own success, as last year’s murder tally was the lowest in at least 47 years.

Tom Reppetto, a police historian and former head of the Citizens Crime Commission, said the murder rate was higher earlier in the year and that police have done a good job “holding the line.”

(Source: NY Daily News)

3 Responses

  1. Don’t expect Andrew Cuomo to try to pass the death penalty. He is as much against it as is his father was the Spacieme of New York, Mario Cuomo.

  2. As we see, crime rates are on the rise.
    If you are counting on the police to come to your rescue if, chalila someone is breaking into your home, the chances of them getting there in time to help you are virtually nil!
    Pretty much any law-abiding adult New Yorker can get a permit for a rifle or shotgun. Get one, learn how to keep and use it, and DON’T be a victim!
    Rashi says a father is obligated to teach his child to swim in case he is in a boat that is sinking, knowing how to swim can save his life.
    These days, Rashi might add to teach him how to shoot!
    V’Nishmartem et nafshotaiychem!
    Go to this site for all the info you will need…

  3. If ywn is going to bring news from outside sources can they at least censor it before posting. Certain crimes don’t need to be explicitly mentioned. Vehmaen yavin

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