Reply To: Pesach Rolls (for those who don’t love matzah…)

Home Forums Kosher Cooking! Recipes Pesach Recipes Pesach Rolls (for those who don’t love matzah…) Reply To: Pesach Rolls (for those who don’t love matzah…)


What I generally do is turn my kitchen over a few days before (this year I will probably do it on Motzai Shabbos Hagadol), and then spread out the cookbooks and recipe pages on my kitchen table. The funny thing is I make MOST of my stuff without recipes. The only things that really need recipes are the cakes. Everything else is by “feel.” And anyway, when cooking on yom tov, we are not supposed to measure things exactly, so I have gotten used to just throwing things in the pan by rote.

I am starting to get in Pesach mode now. Very excited. BTW, my mom O”H used to make the Pesach rolls with NYAFAT (Rokeach made it). I don’t know if they still make that anymore, but she used the ONION flavored one, and that really gives a geshmak flavor to it. I would recommend if you can stand to do it, squeezing onion juice from an onion, and adding it to the water called for in the recipe. She did that in her kneidlach also, and I can honestly say No one has ever made better kneidlach than hers, not even moi. (Sadly, I can not find her recipe, but I keep looking every eyar, hoping the lone paper will show up).