Reply To: Mazel Tov Moish!!!

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moish, just try to change what you can, without changing your lifestyle. Modeh ani, not ripping letters / carrying your phone on shabbos, etc. And how about trying to make brochos? These things shouldn’t change your style or get in between you and your friends, and they’re fairly easy to do. Just try to start doing one little mitzvah every week or so, and you’ll be surprised how natural those things will become.

And if friends can drag you down, friends can also lift you up. Try to befriend someone(s) who will help you, not hurt you. I’m not saying you should only hang out with guys wearing white shirts and black pants, just try to spend some time with people who do keep the mitzvos. They don’t have to be your only friends, but at least some of your friends should be shomer torah u’mitzvos.