Reply To: Coca-Cola Classic and Yiddishkeit

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To SJSinNYC. The definition of a Zevulun isn’t he who isn’t a Yissachar. Both recognize the need for torah. One learns it, and the other works for it. A Jew doesn’t invest in this world, they invest in the next world. If you want to work and live a luxurious lifestyle, fine, just don’t use Zevulun’s name as your heter for doing so.

Shemos Raba (52:3) states the following story: Once a student of R’ Shimon bar Yochai’s left Eretz Yisroel and returned with great wealth. The other students were jealous and wanted to leave Eretz Yisroel to get their riches. R’ Shimon took them to a valley near Meron, davened, and announced: “Valley, valley, fill up with gold coins!” The valley soon filled up with gold coins. R’ Shimon turned to his students and said, “If you are seeking gold, here it is! Take for yourselves! But be aware that whoever takes now is taking from his share in the world to come”