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TJ: i dont really have an intrest in having an intrest in judiasm so i doubt im going to check any of those books but thanx 🙂

areivim: what you all dont understand is that i have tried speaking to them but when i tell them that they are just being unreasonable from trying to block me from all this stuff they dont listen and say that at least they know that they are doing everything in thier power not to help me do it…but they dont realize that by trying to control my life they are just pushing me farther and yes maybe if they didnt do this i would be doing the same things maybe i would be even worse in fact i probably would be…but when they try to control everything i am doing they are just giving me a strong dislike for judiasm and what is a disintrest is slowly turning into a dislike (hatred would be a better word actually)…if they left me alone perhaps one day i would decide that maybe i was wrong and may take an intrest in judiasm again but the chances of that are getting smaller and smaller