Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (A Parent’s Involvement In A Child’s Shidduch)

Home Forums Shidduchim Out Of The Mailbag: (A Parent’s Involvement In A Child’s Shidduch) Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (A Parent’s Involvement In A Child’s Shidduch)


I think a number of things about this issue. First, I think the girl needs to examine closely exactly WHY she wants only a chassidishe boy. If there are sound and realistic reasons for this, she should try to explain them to her parents. For those whose immediate gut reaction was, “let her marry whom she wants” and the parents should not make an issue of it, she may be very young, and what she wants now, may not be the best thing for her down the road. That is not to say that a chassidishe lifestyle is not best for her, but as has been noted Litvishe and chassidishe are very different styles, and she may be romanticizing the idea and not really know what’s best for herself. On the other hand, this may be something she feels she needs in her life, and assuming the boy is an ehrliche frum boy, they should not dismiss the idea out of hand.