Reply To: Acai Berries?

Home Forums Health & Fitness Acai Berries? Reply To: Acai Berries?


Acai Berries- From what I read AB has the highest orac rating than any other berry. The orac rating corresponds to the antioxidant properties of food. Antioxidants are important to counteract the effects of Coronary problems as well as ultra violet radiation and certain kinds of Cancers. 10+ antioxidant properties more than red wine, and 2+ antioxidant properties more than Blueberries. AB like Blueberries can help (not cure) Macular Degeneration individuals by strengthening the blood vessels in the eye because of its high antioxidant level. The berry is purported to help Insomniacs by relaxing muscles in the body aiding restful sleep. It is not wise and prudent to rely on Super Foods as a panacea for healthy eating. It seems if you use the Berry drink as a healthy beverage (providing there is a reliable hechtsher on the product) might be OK since the drink was recommended by your Cardiologist. Health and vitality come from Hashem, but he wants us to try our best to make intelligent choices what we put in our mouths .