Reply To: Shidduch �Crisis�, Daas Torah and Hishtadlos

Home Forums Shidduchim Shidduch �Crisis�, Daas Torah and Hishtadlos Reply To: Shidduch �Crisis�, Daas Torah and Hishtadlos


First and foremost the reason that there is a shidduch crisis is because it is the retzon Hashem and He obviously wants us to take several messages and get closer to Him through it as with all tzaros.

As for the asking a shaila… Rabbanim are human and can make mistakes however, they daven and we should daven to that their eitza should be the best eitzah for us and HKB”H should guide them. That being said never be afraid to go and ask. in ANY siuation. We can’t rely on our own objective feelings, especially girls b/c girls/women get completely wrapped in the emotionality of the situation and there goes all logic out the window. And even for the guys, logic isn’t always the answer, sometimes there’s an extra bitachon and emunas chachamim involved.

more in the next post…