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PETA Celebrates Rubashkin Sentence

The following is from PETA’s blog (on the PETA website); take note of the last line in their post.

“Last fall, a jury found Sholom Rubashkin, former Agriprocessors CEO, guilty on 86 federal financial fraud charges. Now, a judge in the case has announced that Rubashkin will be sentenced to 27 years in prison and ordered to pay nearly $31 million in restitution!

This is the culmination of a long, sordid history of financial crimes at the plant as well as violations against humans and animals dating back to PETA’s original undercover investigation in 2004.

This undercover investigation exposed that Agriprocessors was hacking out the tracheas and esophagi of cattle immediately after the kosher slaughter cut, when the animals were still conscious and able to feel pain. Many animals remained conscious for prolonged periods, some even struggling to their feet in agony three minutes after their throats were cut, their organs dangling from their necks.

Dr. Temple Grandin, the world’s leading slaughterhouse expert, called this “the most disgusting thing [she’d] ever seen.” The USDA agreed with PETA and cited Agriprocessors for “engaging in acts of inhumane slaughter.” Sholom Rubashkin tried to defend these egregious methods, but PETA undercover investigations in both 2007 and 2008 caught his facilities again performing dressing procedures on conscious animals. Dr. Grandin said, “The undercover video clearly showed that when they think nobody is looking, they do bad things in this plant.”

At least Sholom Rubashkin will not have the opportunity to harm any more animals for the next 27 years.

Posted by Shawna Flavell”

(Dov Gordon – YWN-HPO Desk)

57 Responses

  1. Apparently, the PETA animals care more about their brothers and sisters (in the animal kingdom) then they care for human beings.

  2. These people are perhaps the biggest animals of all. Sholom Rubashkin was only charged with financial fraud NOT Animal cruelty or child abuse. Judge linda reade seemingly has ties with PETA which must be investigated. I propose we start a movement to impeach this judge.

  3. Shall I repeat what attrney Nathan lewin said last night:

    Once the Shochet makes the cut through the neck, the animal is instantly unconscious and feels nothing.

    All movement after that is purely residual nervous system reaction. There is no pain, because the animals brain has been severed from the rest of his body.

    PETA is an ignorant, biased, anti-Semitic organization, using “humane” consideration as a thinly-veiled cover for their bigotry and hate.

    Traditionally, those who want to persecute Jews have used “cruelty to animals” as their weapons of choice.

  4. According to Philip Schien, “So please be reassured that PETA has no anti-shechita or anti-Semitic agenda or a vendetta against Rubashkin”. So Mr. Schein, do you have an answer for this statement?!

  5. check out http://www.petakillsanimals (dot com or dot org, one of those two, I believe).

    They did not catch anyone ‘dressing conscious animals’ and any videos they have are FAKE.

    They are part of the liberal movement to turn the world into Nazi Germany and spread their antisemitism.
    They will use “concern for animals” and any other fake excuse they possibly can.

    This is a victory for Nazism, NOT for animals.

  6. The blog is clear. They could care less about animals and how they are killed. They were out for rubashkins blood, and got it. After all the plant is still in operation……

  7. The blog is clear. They could care less about animals and how they are killed. They were out for rubashkins blood, and got it. After all the plant is still in operation, why is their joy in petaville?

  8. BSD PETA has always been one of the most liberal, moronic organizations ever created. Have you ever watched Planet of the Apes? When Apes take over the world and humans become their slaves? I wonder if PETA forces peopleto watch the entire set of these movies before they can become a member??? This is exactly what PETA wants – that animals will rule the world and subjugate humans. In fact, they aren’t even liberal – I take that back. This is an organization dedicated to destroying mankind. Much like any other fascist, racist, & anarchist. Recall what WE learn? If it wasn’t for government man would eat each other alive. They would do ANYTHING to DESTROY all traces of government – except for possibly n. korea ! Say, that’s a great idea. We need to round up all the PETA folks and ship them off to N. Korea. Let them hang out there for 27 years and then we’ll see how well they survived! Let’s start a movement to capture these people and ship them out.

  9. In response to #4 “Deep Thinker”:

    Nathan Lewin continues to make these absurd claims that these animals weren’t fully conscious and able to feel pain, when some were filmed struggling to their feet in agony more than three minutes after shechita. There was not one veterinary expert who disagreed. It is a biological impossibility. This is a fact and even the OU conceded this point. Please watch the footage:

  10. In response to #9 apushatayid:

    We are working with Agri-Star to try to ensure that the most humane methods and monitoring/auditing sytems are implemented.

  11. As a simple Jew living in Canada I’m saddened and outraged at the senseless and dubious sentence that was handed down to our dear brother r’ shalom rubashkin. There must be a way to fight this travesty and charade of justice, we have to mobilize and think constructively what and how we could get this precious yid out of jail, it is a time of action not merely words. A working party should be set up were anyone who wants to help should be able to contact and be of help. We as a community should not underestimate our power and influence, nor shall we falter in our determination and commitment. Vehashem yihyeh beozreinu .



  13. Mr Schein. You throw enough stuff against the wall and some will stick. It took 6 years of throwing, finding an overzealous prosecutor and a judge with an axe to grind (read her decision of last winter denying the change of venue motion filed by Agri) and you finally nailed him. You did it faster than the feds when they nailed Capone on tax evasion. Congratulations.

  14. I do not wish to buy any food that is processed with any involvement, advice, agreement or supervision from PETA.

  15. Philip Schein: I defended your statements to the YW a little while back. Now it’s your turn to have PETA apologize for their inhumane comments toward Mr. Rubashkin. If an apology is not forthcoming, then all the criticism of the posters was indeed justified and I retract my post.

  16. Mr. Nisht Azoy Schein,

    Your allegations were proven FALSE in a court of law. A jury reviewed the FACTS and found Rabbi Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin INNOCENT of all charges in regards to the illegal workers & dangerous conditions.

    Secondly this is a meat packing facility do you expect them to be cutting up meat with plastic knives !?

    Thirdly what is your guidelines for ethics ? We follow a torah which was given to us by Hashem.

    I don’t know who’s code of ethics you follow as you feel it is appropriate to have people videotaped naked on your website !

    And finally if you are so concerned with ethical treatment of animals, where were you when Rabbi Rubashkin was sent to the hospital because of infections he received while in jail ? Where were you when he was denied the opportunity to don his religious garments and pray in jail !? The list goes on… Yet you have shown your true colors by your blog.

    I anxiously wait your PUBLIC APOLOGY !

  17. this prooves what reshoim arurim they are . because, if they can be happy of a life sentence for mistreating(according to thier illogic) animals and putting animals on a par with humans…

  18. #11 613770 posts:”In fact, they aren’t even liberal – I take that back. This is an organization dedicated to destroying mankind. Much like any other fascist, racist, & anarchist.”

    To 613770, That is EXACTLY what Liberalism is all about.
    That is why the Jihadists and Gay activists and Ron Paul
    (White Nazis) supporters all support each other and all hated Bush and hated America stopping the terrorists in Iraq and all hate capitalism and business.

    Philip Schein, you are making false accusations again.
    How about you tell me when did any murder victim who had his throat cut from frint to back more then halfway through, survive for even a few seconds, let alone many minutes?

    You cannot find one single case in all of history, where it EVER happened, becuase it is totally impossible.

  19. Mr. Schein,

    Let’s see who we should believe. A respected attorney who has argued cases before the supreme court. A respected attorney who has stood up for the rights of people. A respected attorney who has worked to protect Jews right to practice their religion who has scientific research to prove his point: OR a conniving agenda driven person like yourself. A person who surreptitiously and in a false manner slipped into Agriproccesors to take videos which were then edited to make it seem as something other than the slaughter of animals was going on? Someone who took salary from the Rubashkins with the intent to harm them? Did you ever return those stolen wages?
    Your intent was and continues to be evil. You align your self with a terrorist organization no different from al queida or hamas.

    And don’t get me started on your baseless claims of tzar baalei chaim. You do not know the halachos, you have not learned the gemarros or clearly do not understand them.

    Your claims hold no truth. The glee your fanatical friends take in the great tragedy and miscarriage of justice and your continued support of them show what type of animals, and I mean that pejoratively, although that may actually be the highest form of praise to you, you and your group are.

  20. In response to #20 cherrybim:

    I very much appreciated your supportive comments the other week and I’m sorry if you interpreted PETA’s post about Mr. Rubashkin to be inhumane. The intention was not to celebrate his lengthy sentence but to update our membership on the outcome of the trial. Please understand that for five years and through three undercover investigations, Mr. Rubashkin engaged in inhumane slaughter practices and lied repeatedly to officials and experts about his methods. His incarceration is nothing to celebrate but there is relief that he won’t be able to continue torturing animals this way.

  21. Maybe these idiots should speak to neurologists and vascular surgeons instead of vets to understand the true medical and biological systems in play.

  22. Philip Schein:

    Do you or your family members own leather shoes, wallets, purses, or sit on leather couches by any chance?

    Perhaps the pain endured from your plastic shoes makes you the angry PETA mover and shaker you are, to the definite dismay of your ancestors who kept the laws of Kashrus, respected Rabbinical authority figures and G-d’s Holy laws. Not very ethical behavior towards your pained ancestors. You’ll meet up with them one day.

    ….”When AgriProcessors, America’s largest kosher slaughterhouse, was caught on tape conducting what a federal agency later called “acts of inhumane slaughter,” officials at the plant knew they had been infiltrated by undercover investigators. What the company didn’t know was that two of those infiltrators were a married couple (the Scheins) who keep kosher themselves.” ….”If it weren’t for Philip and his interest and pursuit of this issue, I’m not sure that we would have been able to do those investigations,” said Daphna Nachminovitch, PETA’s vice president of cruelty investigations. “They were Philip’s brainchild”.

  23. Philip Schein, you could not tell the truth, if it was to save your life.

    Again I ask you;
    How about you tell me when did any murder victim who had his throat cut from front to back, more then halfway through, survive for even a few seconds, let alone many minutes?

    You cannot find one single case in all of history, where it EVER happened, becuase it is totally impossible.

    You keep being PROVEN wrong again and again and in typical fanatical liberal, fashion you keep making these absolutely false charges of animal abuse.

    You think just selling puppies is abuse, you think ridng horses, is abuse.

    You fanatics got the chain link choker chains for dogs leashes, banned as abuse, even though they had been the most humaine collars ever invented and were about the only ones strong enough to make sure they would break from the heavy pull of a large powerful dog which might suddenly run in front of a fast moving car in order to chase a cat.

    You care absolutely nothing about animals.

    Your whole terrorist organization(along with the ASPCA and Humain society and ALF and all the others)is nothing but a scam dsigned to help the government intrude Stalin Style, into our private lives and choices and install an oppressive dictatorship.

    Shame on you, Philip Schein!!!

  24. To rephrase since I left out a cruitical word from this paragraph;

    You fanatics got the chain link choker chains for dogs leashes, banned as abuse, even though they had been the most humaine collars ever invented and were about the only ones strong enough to make sure they would…NOT…. break, from the heavy pull of a large powerful dog which might suddenly run in front of a fast moving car in order to chase a cat.

    I left out the, ‘NOT’ in my last post.
    Sorry for any confusion that might have caused.

  25. as rubashkin was not convicted for how shechita was performed…not sure why peta is celebrating

    however, peta never said that shechita was inhumane…just the tubes that turned the animals upside down, and then the pulling out of the trachea….and both were noted by even the ou as things that needed to be changed

    and temple graden is not affiliated with peta

    June 22, 2010

    Exclusive: PETA’s Pet Killing Program Set a New Record in 2009
    Public Records: PETA Found Adoptive Homes for Just 1 out of 300 Animals

    Animal lovers worldwide now have access to more than a decade’s worth of proof that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) kills thousands of defenseless pets at its Norfolk, Virginia headquarters. Since 1998, PETA has opted to “put down” 23,640 adoptable dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens instead of finding homes for them.

    PETA’s “Animal Record” report for 2009, filed with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, shows that the animal rights group killed 97 percent of the dogs and cats in its care last year. During all of 2009, PETA found adoptive homes for just eight pets.

    Just eight animals — out of the 2,366 it took in. PETA just broke its own record.

    Why would an animal rights group secretly kill animals at its headquarters? PETA’s continued silence on the matter makes it hard to say for sure. But from a cost-saving standpoint, PETA’s hypocrisy isn’t difficult to understand: Killing adoptable cats and dogs – and storing the bodies in a walk-in freezer until they can be cremated – requires far less money and effort than caring for the pets until they are adopted.

    PETA has a $33 million annual budget. But instead of investing in the lives of the thousands of flesh and blood creatures in its care, the group spends millions on media campaigns telling Americans that eating meat, drinking milk, fishing, hunting, wearing leather shoes, and benefiting from medical research performed on lab rats are all “unethical.”

    The bottom line: PETA’s leaders care more about cutting into their advertising budget than finding homes for the six pets they kill on average, every single day.

    The Virginia Beach SPCA, just down the road from PETA’s Norfolk headquarters, manages to adopt out the vast majority of the animals in its care. And it does it on a shoestring budget.

    Years of public outrage has not been enough to convince PETA to eliminate its pet eradication program.

    Now the death toll of animals in PETA’s care has reached 23,640, including more than 2,000 pets last year. That’s not an animal charity. It’s a slaughterhouse.

    Click here to sign our petition to revoke PETA’s tax-exempt status.

    » read more

    Celebrity PETA Supporters Have Blood on Their Hands
    Today the Center for Consumer Freedom criticized the celebrity supporters of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in a full-page advertisement in Variety for endorsing the animal rights group even as it kills thousands of animals in its care.
    » read more

    All About the PETA Trial
    The North Carolina animal-cruelty trial of two PETA employees ended with a surprising result, but the animal rights group admitted under oath that it does, indeed, kill large numbers of animals. Our daily reports from inside the courtroom provide a rare look at one of the radical organization’s most secret programs.
    » read more

    » Day 1 » Day 2 » Day 3 » Day 4 » Day 5 » Weekend
    » Day 6 » Day 7 » Day 8 » Day 9 » Day 10
    » Summary

    PETA Spent $9,370 on a walk-in freezer

    Shocking Crime-Scene Photos
    » read more

    PETA’s Dirty Secret
    Hypocrisy is the mother of all credibility problems, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has it in spades. While loudly complaining about the “unethical” treatment of animals by restaurant owners, grocers, farmers, scientists, anglers, and countless other Americans, the group has its own dirty little secret.
    » read more and see the proof

    PETA’s Lame Response
    We’ll say this much for PETA’s leaders: they’ve got an answer for everything. If you write to PETA and ask about our “PETA Kills Animals” website, the group will send back a form letter including some of these lame excuses.
    » read PETA’s weak response

    PETA Trial in the News
    » CCF op-ed in the Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk, VA)
    » The Sunday Standard-Times (New Bedford, MA)
    » The Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk, VA)
    » The Daily Trojan (University of Southern
    » The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC)
    » The Sunday Telegraph (London, UK)
    » The New York Post
    » Court TV

    Press Release: Watchdog Group: PETA’s Shower Protest is All Wet

    Spread the word about PETA’s dirty secret! Link to us with any of our standard-size banners. » read more

    Pets Killed By PETA

    Year Received† Adopted Killed Transferred Killed Adopted:
    2009 2,366 8 2,301 31 97.3 0.34
    2008 2,216 7 2,124 34 95.8 0.32
    2007 1,997 17 1,815 35 90.9 0.85
    2006 3,061 12 2,981 46 97.4 0.39
    2005 2,165 146 1,946 69 89.9 6.74
    2004 2,655 361 2,278 1 85.8 13.60
    2003 2,224 312 1,911 1 85.9 14.03
    2002 2,680 382 2,298 2 85.7 14.25
    2001 2,685 703 1,944 14 72.4 26.18
    2000 2,681 624 2,029 28 75.7 23.27
    1999 1,805 386 1,328 91 73.6
    (6/22/2010 3:55:04 PM)


    Read number 6, and read it well!

    7 Things You Didn’t Know About PETA

    1) According to government documents, PETA employees have killed more than 19,200 dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens since 1998. This behavior continues despite PETA’s moralizing about the “unethical” treatment of animals by farmers, scientists, restaurant owners, circuses, hunters, fishermen, zookeepers, and countless other Americans. PETA puts to death over 90 percent of the animals it accepts from members of the public who expect the group to make a reasonable attempt to find them adoptive homes. PETA holds absolutely no open-adoption shelter hours at its Norfolk, VA headquarters, choosing instead to spend part of its $32 million annual income on a contract with a crematory service to periodically empty hundreds of animal bodies from its large walk-in freezer.

    2) PETA president and co-founder Ingrid Newkirk has described her group’s overall goal as “total animal liberation.” This means the complete abolition of meat, milk, cheese, eggs, honey, zoos, aquariums, circuses, wool, leather, fur, silk, hunting, fishing, and pet ownership. In a 2003 profile of Newkirk in The New Yorker, author Michael Specter wrote that Newkirk has had at least one seeing-eye dog taken away from its blind owner. PETA is also against all medical research that requires the use of animals, including research aimed at curing AIDS and cancer.

    3) PETA has given tens of thousands of dollars to convicted arsonists and other violent criminals. This includes a 2001 donation of $1,500 to the North American Earth Liberation Front (ELF), an FBI-certified “domestic terrorist” group responsible for dozens of firebombs and death threats. During the 1990s, PETA paid $70,200 to Rodney Coronado, an Animal Liberation Front (ALF) serial arsonist convicted of burning down a Michigan State University research laboratory. In his sentencing memorandum, a federal prosecutor implicated PETA president Ingrid Newkirk in that crime. PETA vegetarian campaign coordinator Bruce Friedrich has also told an animal rights convention that “blowing stuff up and smashing windows” is “a great way to bring about animal liberation,” adding, “Hallelujah to the people who are willing to do it.”

    4) PETA activists regularly target children as young as six years old with anti-meat and anti-milk propaganda, even waiting outside their schools to intercept them without notifying their parents. One piece of kid-targeted PETA literature tells small children: “Your Mommy Kills Animals!” PETA brags that its messages reach over 1.2 million minor children, including 30,000 kids between the ages of 6 and 12, all contacted by e-mail without parental supervision. One PETA vice president told the Fox News Channel’s audience: “Our campaigns are always geared towards children, and they always will be.”

    5) PETA’s president has said that “even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we would be against it.” And PETA has repeatedly attacked research foundations like the March of Dimes, the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and the American Cancer Society, solely because they support animal-based research aimed at curing life-threatening diseases and birth defects. And PETA helped to start and manage a quasi-medical front group, the misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, to attack medical research head-on.

    6) PETA has compared Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust to farm animals and Jesus Christ to pigs. PETA’s religious campaigns include a website that claims—despite ample evidence to the contrary—that Jesus Christ was a vegetarian. PETA holds protests at houses of worship, even suing one church that tried to protect its members from Sunday-morning harassment. Its billboards taunt Christians with the message that hogs “died for their sins.” PETA insists, contrary to centuries of rabbinical teaching, that the Jewish ritual of kosher slaughter shouldn’t be allowed. And its infamous “Holocaust on Your Plate” campaign crassly compared the Jewish victims of Nazi genocide to farm animals.

    7) PETA frequently looks the other way when its celebrity spokespersons don’t practice what it preaches. As gossip bloggers and Hollywood journalists have noted, Pamela Anderson’s Dodge Viper (auctioned to benefit PETA) had a “luxurious leather interior”; Jenna Jameson was photographed fishing, slurping oysters, and wearing a leather jacket just weeks after launching an anti-leather campaign for PETA; Morrissey got an official “okay” from PETA after eating at a steakhouse; Dita von Teese has written about her love of furs and foie gras; Steve-O built a career out of abusing small animals on film; the officially “anti-fur” Eva Mendes often wears fur anyway; and Charlize Theron’s celebrated October 2007 Vogue cover shoot featured several suede garments. In 2008, “Baby Phat” designer Kimora Lee Simmons became a PETA spokesmodel despite working with fur and leather, after making a $20,000 donation to the animal rights group.

  28. To Mr. Schein in Comment 26,

    You claim that the celebration is because Reb SMR will no longer be able to torture animals. This a lie. How do I know this, you ask? How is it so obvious that this is a lie? Because if the reason you are celebrating is because “he” won’t be able to torture animals anymore, that was a long far gone conclusion. His plant was trashed and his company was forced into bankruptcy years ago. He has not been in the meatpacking business for quite a while already. However, he was never found guilty of even one of the false accusations you leveled at him. Ergo, the only reason you would be celebrating would be because of the terrible judgment that has befallen him. Like the terrorists celebrating in Gaza after 9/11. Exactly as wrong and exactly as distasteful. Not that much better can be expected from you and your terrorist group.

    This is besides the initial gross lie that there even was animal torture. You are entirely against eating meat, thereby lacking objectivity and the fact remains that dispatching animals for food will always be messy, however, that does not make it wrong and it does not make it torture.

  29. Dr. Temple Grandin is a Doctor of Animal Science and a specialist in humane slaughter operation.
    Proper shechita should render the animal unconscious quickly. The PETA tapes did show animals standing and struggling after the cut and dress and Dr. Grandin wrote about her observations at that time. While not a neurologist or vascular surgeon, her doctorate and credentials make her a better expert (she actually studied the physiology of slaughter, something that medical doctors don’t do).

  30. This is a very complex story:
    There were the PETA tapes and allegations of inhumane slaughter (some charges of which were upheld by USDA).
    But does inhumane slaughter invalidate the shechita?
    Does PETA behavior invalidate their accustions?
    Now PETA gloats over the sentence of SMR? A little pity here would have gone a long way.
    And the sentence? 27 years! That is disproportionate.

    The whole thing is a mess: there are no winners here,no justice.

  31. #37 Thanks for the explanation.
    Animals with their heads cut off still struggle but they are dead.
    Anyone saying otherwise, has some dishonest agenda.

  32. I just heard in the news on the radio that some restauranteer advertised that he is serving meat from African Lions.
    He got nasty emails and bomb threats for it.
    Must be some good friends of Philip Schein, who sent them.

  33. Dr. Grandin is a doctor with autism who empathizes with animals. She has written many books, most recently, “The Language of Animals,” about how she thinks in pictures, the way animals do, instead of in words. Although she is brilliant, she is socially inappropriate. She avoids eye contact and other normal human behaviors (to her own admission in public speaking and in her own books) due to her autism, so she really cannot be relied on for social justice issues.

  34. When we say YEMACH SH’MOM V’ZICHROM we will all have in mind peta and EVERYONE associated with that TERRORIST group.

    The problem is that the OU and everyone else who thinks they know it all blew it! Instead of reasoning with these monkeys that the animal feels no pain or whatever, the answer is we shecht that way because that is the way the Torah tells us to. There is NO OTHER REASON. What may be a by product of the reason, has nothing to do with anything. WE DO IT BECAUSE THE TORAH SAYS SO! Dont give me garbage about the animal feeling pain. Maybe we should offer it an ice cream sandwich on the way to the kill floor? Sh’chita is a bloody mess. It isnt pretty but these morons at peta YEMACH SH’MOM V’ZICHROM want to make it pretty; really they want to ban killing animals altogether.

    #37, I dont care what meshigina Grandin has to say. She does not know hilchos sh’chita, neither does peta YEMACH SH’MOM V’ZICHROM so they dont know what they are talking about. In fact, I will take it one step further and say that YOU dont know anything about hilchos sh’chita either so when you spout your stupidity, you are just as bad as peta YEMACH SH’MOM V’ZICHROM! I say that because you are more concerned about what a mishigina says than what HALOCHA says. For a yid, that animal that had the correct simanim cut, is kosher even if it is walking around. You could take a piece off, broil it, and eat it. On the other hand a shaygitz, A GOY, would be chayiv for Ayvir Min Ha’Chai for doing the same thing!!!!!

    Let’s all think of peta along with all their sympathizers such as Grandin, Nisht Schein and say YEMACH SH’MOM V’ZICHROM!!

  35. Mr. Nisht Azoy Schein,

    Allow me to pose these points to ponder.

    A. The man you are talking about is RABBI SHOLOM MORDECHAI RUBASHKIN not Mr. Rubashkin ! For starters you can show some respect.

    B. Wasn’t Tzar Baalei Chaim your #1 Crusade in your investigations and stories when it came to Shechita and Kaporos ?

    Well I have a MAJOR NEWS FLASH FOR YOU !!

    Perhaps your “Rabbi’s” Have not taught you what every child in Cheder already knows. Tzar Baalei Chaim = EVERY LIVING THING ! This includes a HUMAN BEING !

    Where was your undercover investigators while Rabbi Rubashkin was denied a hot meal ? A hair cut ? Not allowed to pray ? May I remind you all those things are his constitutional right while in jail.

    Where were your undercover investigators when Rabbi Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin was DRAGGED ACROSS THE JAIL FLOOR !?

    Where were your protestors when Rabbi Rubashkin had to be hospitalized ?

    Where were your press releases when he was held without bail ? Essentially “trapped” in a prison while in solitary confinement ?

    I can only imagine your press release if g-d forbid a jew should drag a crate of chickens across the floor !

    C. Here’s an intersing point “PETA has compared Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust to farm animals.


    After your investigation @ TYSON (which btw was found GUILTY OF EMPLOYING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS)

    You asked Tyson to implement controlled atmosphere killing (CAK).

    ~~QUICK TIDBIT: Controlled atmosphere killing (CAK) is a method for slaughtering animals such as chickens by placing the animals in a container in which the atmosphere lacks oxygen and consists of one or more of argon, nitrogen or carbon dioxide, causing the animals to lose consciousness. Argon and nitrogen are important components of a painless gassing process which seem to cause no pain, and for this reason many consider it more humane than other methods of killing.

    Portable units are available. Controlled atmosphere stunning has been used both within processing plants and on-farm for euthanizing poultry. One portable unit type that costs US$2,500 can be pushed down the aisles of a barn, with 200–250 hens per load being placed inside a CO2 enriched chamber. Hens are unconscious within 20 seconds of being in the chamber.~~


    But slaughter with a knife that renders an animal dead in no time by a knife without a single nick in it is !?






    Mr. Nisht Azoy Schein, you just like the Wicked Helen Thomas have shown your true colors and now your days are numbered.

    All it took was the simple slip of a tounge.

  36. lets get a petition that people will eat more meat because of peta helping to putting this man in jail.
    2nd thing wherever peta gives information to children
    demostrate and get contra group to go against them
    fight these mix up nuts

  37. #39 hereorthere
    The heads were not “cut off” (it’s shechita, not a guillotine) and there is a difference between post-mortem involuntary movements and the ability to stand and walk.

    #41 elka
    Dr. Grandin is autistic however her comments were about the slaughter process, not social justice. Her expertise is veterinary medicine and she works with slaughter houses to improve the handling of the animals.

  38. BS”D

    PETA activists, especially those who are of the erev rav (I refuse to believe that their yichus is really of unzerer) should meet the fate of nonkosher slaughtered animals – stunned with a heavy object before having their throat cut. I know the streets are full of vicious muggers who have no problem doing this and I hope that the PETA crowd are their next victims. And those muggers never get 27 years either.

    Temple Grandin is a FRAUD who uses her supposed diagnosis of autism to claim she can know what an animal feels. They used to throw people like that into the beis mishegoyim when I was a boy, and I am far from being an old man.

  39. BS”D

    And please, if you let Schein post here, it is time to let Haniyeh have a column. He has already exposed himself and shown how absurd he is. We don’t need to hear from him again.

  40. I was at the kinus Monday night. It started with the union trying to organize the workers as Agriprocessors. They brought PETA in to shut them down.

    Mr. Schein sir, YOU are the liar. It is a very basic high school piece of biological knowledge that there is a special enzyme that is still in existence in the Central Nervous System of the animal which is why they are still moving after they are slaughtered. The animal is very much dead and feels no pain but is just reacting to various physical stimuli.

    If you were so worried about inhumane treatment of animals, you would be going into halal meat processing plants and not just kosher plants. But, you are nothing more than a hypocrite.

  41. the phillip sheins etc , the risay am yisroel alway have a soif like haman,yes there were plenty jewish hamens in our history and so will the philips shein have the same soif

  42. BSD

    The owners of the halal plants would take care of PETA the old fashioned way – and get away with slaps on the wrist because of “multiculturalism”.

    And at least as far as cats are concerned, motion continues after any death, not just slaughter. A few years ago I stayed up late and unwittingly comforted my 17 plus year old feline in what I thought were his last painful hours as I was not able to find a vet to come to my home at night.

    He was actually quite dead and his CNS was working independently of his brain which I think defines the thought processes of PETA members as well. (Ditto for meshuggene Tembel Grandiose).

  43. After all that was written here. I think that every Jew should contact Nat Lewin and we should file a class action law suit against PETA!

  44. That is a terrible thing to write.

    This legal case has nothing to do with PETA. And, it is in sharp contrast to the sentiments of PETA from it’s member Philip Shein.

    The PETA person who wrote that should resign and publicly apologize.

  45. #46 Shlomo2
    You made my point for me.
    If even animals with their heads totally cut off keep moving as if still alive, then aninals with their throats cut through the jugular can col V chomer still be moving also even though they are not alive, either.

    And they were not “standing and walking” (not by themselves anyway, not while they were away, from any machinery or other support, that might have been holding them up) after bieng schechted.

  46. Hi everyone,

    On a totally objective basis it seems to me that the following argument is correct:

    The plant was closed on child labour charges therefore the company went bankrupt
    Sholom Rubashkin has, however, been cleared from all these charges.
    Therefore the government is reponsible for the company’s bankruptcy.

    The primary reason Sholom was sentenced is due to the financial loss incurred to the company’s creditors. Irrespective of how the loans were organised, had the government not shut the plant the losses would not have transpired.

    As Judge Callaghan cleared Sholom Rubashkin from all child labour charges, we see retroactively that the government was unjustified in closing the plant. Therefore the government, not Sholom Rubashkin, is responsible for the creditors losses.

    In davening we say, hoshivoh shoftenu kevarishona veyoatzenu kevatchilah, why in this order?

    First we need to be clear concerning the monetary rights and wrongs of the case – shoftenu kevarishonah.

    Then we are able to direct people personally in the right way – vayoatzenu kevatchilah.

    There is a lot of emotional hype in the case – the Jews are right, the Jews are wrong etc. It is a witch hunt, it isn’t a witch hunt.

    This is all irrelevant. First we need to clarify the monetary rights and wrongs of the case, which are as above, I think.

    Glad to be corrected 🙂


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