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I think that if you know going into the school that this is a rule, they can impose any rule that they wish. What I object to is the school that imposes arbitrary rules AFTER you have already been in the system for a while. It’s as though they draw you in, and when they know they have you over the barrel, they change the rules suddenly. If I send my child to one Yeshivah over another because that Yeshivah is (for argument’s sake) Zionistic, and then, because the parent body is slowly becoming more Agudah-like, the Yeshivah drops it’s Yom Haatzmaut parade day, and Yom Yerushalayim observance, then I feel disconcerted.
Personally, I don’t feel it is the business of a Yeshivah to tell a parent whether or not he can have internet on his computer, or even if he can HAVE a computer – or ELSE! Maybe the parent has no other Yeshivah within reasonable travelling, to which he can send that child. This puts the parents in an untenable position of “hiding” their computer and being a hypocrite, or not having oen available for necessary work. However, that being said – if the Yeshivah does so order the parent body, then either the parent needs to discuss his particular problem with the school and hope the RY will be understanding of his dilemma, or start looking for another place for his child. If by the way, enough parents felt the same way as he, parents who are paying tuition, and they all took their kids out, the school might revisit the situation and find another solution to this issue. Otherwise, they get to make the rules,and ya gots to follow ’em.