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Jewish Pulitzer-Prize winning author killed in crash

david halberstam.jpgDavid Halberstam, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author who chronicled the Washington press corps, the Vietnam War generation and baseball, was killed in a car crash early Monday at the age of 73. Halberstam, a New Yorker, was a passenger in a car that was broadsided by another vehicle near San Fransisco. (Breitbart/AP)

13 Responses

  1. who chronicled the Washington press corps, the Vietnam War generation and baseball

    And the auto industry, and network broadcasting, and competitive sculling.

  2. Very sad indeed.

    Note: There is a ton of Yiddish on this board, any chance that once in a while we can get a translation. This would help educate us non-Yiddish speakers.

    Let’s start what is “Zanzer einekel” ? and ‘maysehs’ ?

    Shelomo in Midwood

  3. BD”H He was brilliant. Does anyone know how exactly he was a Tzanzer einikel. His brother nebuch was killed by a robber in his house many years ago.

  4. I know a few people by the name of David Halberstam. Ther Rov of the town called K’rishanov was R’ Duvid Halberstam, a descendant of the Divrei Chaim.

  5. Alfassa;

    Zans is a chassidik dynasty. Like Belz or Satmar etc. etc. This man is a scion of the first Rabbi of Zans who was named Rabbi Chaim Halberstam. He liked to hear stories(maasehs) about his ancestors.

  6. Jos’
    No flaming. Just common sense and logic. Iranian Jews, Sefardi Jews, Temonim etc…..they dont speak yiddish. Does that make them less Jewish???

  7. Well said, nameless.

    It’s sad that many people look out at the great diversity of Yidden but see only those who talk or dress like themselves. Hashem didn’t create the world B’Tzelem Eastern Europe.

  8. Joseph —

    You’re absolutely right — at least for Ashkenazic Yidden. Unfortunately, many Yidden in this country lost Yiddish more than a generation ago.

    I know at least a dozen individuals who would *love* to speak Yiddish. However, they grew up in nonobservant homes and/or with parents who didn’t speak Yiddish. Unfortunately, they haven’t found available or appropriate instruction. Necessary practice is difficult, too, since not many people want to spend their time listening to Yiddish newbies mangle sentences — they’d prefer to quickly switch to English.

    So when are you putting your time/money where your keyboard is and launching your “learn Yiddish on-line” site?

  9. Well then in that case why shouldnt it be just as obligatory for every Jew to know Hebrew? (OR for Joseph’s sake, Loshon HAKODESH,?)

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