Reply To: Places Where Police Pull People Over

Home Forums Litoeles H'rabim! Places Where Police Pull People Over Reply To: Places Where Police Pull People Over


When you get your drivers license, it is implied that you will follow the traffic laws or suffer the consequences. If you can’t accept this responsibility, then do yourself and everyone else a favor, and don’t get your drivers license.

Those who work in EMS, been in or witnessed accidents, or had a loved one in an accident, are more sensitive to traffic laws, because they have seen and felt the horrible pain first hand. Look and learn from these people, think before you act, so you can prevent yourself from ever having to deal with such anguish.

Why is there even a topic to aid people in braking the law here on the YWN CR?

What example are we setting for our children?

How are you portraying the Jewish people to the outside world?

This thread is extremely distasteful.