Reply To: Shidduchim & Weight

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eyesopen, once again you put the blame on looking for thin and pretty on the boys. this argument is beyond flawed. your uncle, and son for that matter, clearly do not find heavy girls unattractive. if a boy does, and most do, that is not the fault of boys at all. you can say society caused this from today till tomorrow. it technically makes absolutely no difference. attractiveness is actually biological. the human brain releases different chemicals for different things all the time. it will either release pheromones or it wont, end of story. yes, chassidim just get married to each other without any sort of “attraction”, but i doubt that if one found the other “unattractive” they would still get married. not being attracted to one another and being its negative – unattractive – are very different things.

stop blaming boys!!! girls have more stupidity they need before going out, and none of which is based on actual science!