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Yerushalayim: Chareidim win case against Israeli police


Two Chareidim were awarded NIS 10,000 this week as compensation for injuries inflicted on them after being beaten by Israeli police. Apparently, they were attending a Hafganah in Meah Shearim and as is customary, the Israeli Police chased the protesters into a Shul where Nazi-style-beatings are delivered by them. In the scuffle, a table fell on the leg of a young Bochur, breaking his leg. The child’s father was also beaten after trying to help his son.


During the trial, police claimed that their behavior was justified since the father had called police “Nazis”. This claim turned out to be false, after a video tape that recorded the event showed that the police were lying, Also shown on the footage were the Israeli police calling the protester “a zebra” (due to their white shirts and black pants). The family had originally sued for NIS 500,000, but the judge felt that NIS 10,000 was more than enough for their pain and suffering.

(Source: Arutz 7)

32 Responses

  1. NAZI style is the correct term, I have traveled the world, switzerland, New Zealand, China, Hungary, Poland, England you name it……………..I feel the worst anti semintism in Tel Aviv, these self hating animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. 10,000 NIS is nothing for what they suffered , it’s about $2,500. The Israeli police ARE Nazis, they are Jew hating Jews.

  3. please ,lets not over use the Nazi.
    They are better described as “Tinuk Shenishba”
    Really I don’t think this ” Don L’caf Zuchus ” is a too hard.
    As for a group of people that antagonize a police force that is there to protect them….. I’m still working on that.

  4. i have seen the israeli police in full action they hate the frum with a passion. BUT HOW COULD YOU CALL A JEW A NAZI ??????????

  5. Please remember that not all Israeli policemen are Jews al pi halacha. Many non-Jewish Russian immigrants are attracted to the force, as are Ethiopians who may or may not be even safek Yidden (depending on which psak you follow).

  6. I’m not a big fan of any police force methods of dealing with mostly law obeying and abiding citizens. Definitely it would be better if the Israeli police would be tougher on the Palestinkians instead on ordinary Israeli citizens.

    Yet to call the police officers Nazis or Nazi-like is disgraceful & distasting. Even if they are not Jews and still ready to put their life on the line for majority Jewish state. These people put their life on the line, protecting and defending against murderers.

    If any of you that commented above think you can do a better job, get into the force and do it yourself and changed things for the better. Put your own life on the line each and every day. The justice system worked its way & they got compensated.

    Where is the humility that your faith teaches you, Ah?!

    Yours truly, Russian goy, an offspring of family that most of its members perished in the holocaust.

    Edited by Site Moderation Panel

  7. Everyone is Mr. Know-It-All

    Kindly enlighten us of a DEMOCRATIC county who uses such force in the WORLD.

    Please tell us.

    Also, how many of you have witnessed FIRST HAND, the brutal beatings that these merciless animals deliver.

    They truly are worse than the Gestapo.

  8. you people obviously have never been to a hafgannah when they just grab people by their beards, peyos, waCK THEM OVER THEIR HEADS WITH STICKS, RUN THEIR HORSES INTO LARGE CROWDS SEVERLY INJURING DOZENS OF PEOPLE.


  9. Why are you all harping on the only point that remains a questionmark?!!!
    Who said that he called the cop a nazi? That is the police’s claim and it seems that it was a lie from the article.

  10. Sorry Z you should be ashaimed of yourself “Tinok Shenishba”?
    who tought the nazis they should not rip babys apart they must also be a Tinok shenishba!@##$$%^&*(?

    I live in E”Y and have been beaten mercilessly by the police with clubs as they smashed my legs with metal clubs !!!!!!for just passing through the area of a protest!
    I have seen far worse done to people actually attending.

    Nazis??? no far worse the nazis atleast were ordered to kill but mishtara/ yassam?

    If you dont believe me you can check todays arutz 7 for the video of ammona

  11. And even if they were called nazis so that is a reason to beat them up. If you are called a nazi are you going to proove them right in front of them
    It reminds me of last year when there were cartoons calling muslims violent people .the musliims were very angry. they made protests and killed over 30 people to proove they are not violent!

  12. l-19
    if you call them gestapo .than you are limiting the bad that people who killed 6 million peole deserve. Kapos , like joseph said would be befitting

  13. I think you should all reread the articel. They were NOT called Nazis to begin with. That was a false claim the Police made and it was proven as such……

  14. goog finely the truth is comeing out about this —- that defame frum erlicha yiden as backward stonethrowers . who indanger the police’s life. the oppesite true they start insagateing …. if you challange them in cort they throw the book at you finealy this is comeing to light.

  15. JD

    In school will learned the alpha bet starting from ‘A’ not ‘Z’.
    Read the article , maybe then you’ll crticize the BEATING before the ‘name calling’.

  16. jdspero: The Israeli Police conduct themselves as NAZIS at demonstrations.

    There is no other democratic country on the PLANET that uses the type of brutal force that they do. They way that they swing their clubs at a 14 year old child’s head without fear of killing him is exactly what the Nazis did.

    And the reason that you can’t name another democratic country that acts like this, is because ISRAEL IS NOT A DEMOCRACY, BUT A DICTATORSHIP RUN BY SELF-HATING JEWS.

    And don’t think for a second that if they had the opportunity – they would round up all the frum people and lock them in a ghetto.

    And if they were REALLY able to get away with it, they would KILL the frum as well.

    If you don’t believe this, then you are in DENIAL.

    These people HATE the Torah Hakdosha, and will do anything & everything to destroy it!!!

  17. Rav Eli Meir Bloch once heard one of his talmidim refer to some of the old time tziyonim as Nazis. Rav Bloch’s response was, “Hast du amahl gezehn a Nazi?” Going over the top and callling people who deserve to be called reshoim and many other things, and you calll them Nazi, cheapens the horror that the name Nazi implies.

  18. the police dont know when to stop, my brother was inside of his dira during a demonstration when the police burst in and started to beat him and his roomates.

    was that Necessary or do the police enjoying beating up charadi bocherim so much that when they done on the street they move into the homes.

  19. As my rosh yeshiva shlita said, since the elected officials in Israel don’t have too much clout (since they are not elected per se) it is the judges who determine the fate of Israel. Hashiva Shoftainu Kivatichila!

  20. These police as well as their parents were not raised with Torah. If anything they were brainwashed against it. That is what is called Tinuk Shenishba. If you want to hate, hate the false philosophy of Zionism that brainwashed them. These people don’t even believe in Zionism.
    The only answer is Geula and that won’t happen through Baseless hatred, which many people have demonstrated today. In addition in this zman of Sefira I think it is only right to be extra careful on Covid Chaverim and not refer to each other in negative terms but with the utmost repect.

  21. Rav Segal zt”l writes in Yorah Vedaas: “HaShoah, aeini yodeia taam lazeh.” translated: “The Holcoaust! I know no reason for this.”

  22. Even if the would be Tinuk Shenishba it doesn’t give them the right to treat them like this & beat them up. I don’t know if the Natzis would have done what they do.

  23. i cannot believe only 10000 nis was awarded

    i hope that besides this trail they can also sue in civil court & seek further damages.
    they should also help all other victims sue the govt

    once it hurts them in the pocket, they will stop to hurt us

    after that we should go after & sue the judges who make these unfair rulings & let the police continue this behavier by not punishing them adequatly

  24. I’m not saying the have a right to do what they did.

    I’m just saying that they know nothing.

    Would the Nazi’s do what they did ?

    No. They would have beaten and killed everybody in site and hung their bodies from light poles to publicly rot. RCH’L.
    I wish I was kidding.

  25. One thing that a lot of you are failing to realize is that a lot of these cops are not even Jewish (YES NON JEWS !!!). Anyone who has lived here for a while knows that the cops that come to the protests are known as Yasam. They are merciless and don’t care who they hurt. I have personally seen a bouchur walk past a cop. He did nothing wrong. And for no reason he kicked him (they wear real big shoes/boots). Getting back to what I said above a lot of the cops are harden Prussians who came to Israel for a “better life”. Some of them faked their papers to come to Israel and lots openly say that they aren’t Jewish. Why Israel let them in is not a discussion for here (I don’t want to start a war). So to some it up Z yes they are NAZI’s !!

  26. It has always disturbed me when I hear people using the term Nazi to describe someone who is tough. Usually, goyim are the only ones who can say this so lightly. I lived my entire life amongst holocaust survivors and you can bet none of them ever compared some mean cop to a Nazi.

    It reminds me of a story with some Rov at the mikva. His meshorays found him sitting on a bench trembling and asked what was wrong. He said that as he was preparing to go into the bor, someone asked his friend if the water was hot. The friend replied, “iz heis vi gehinnom!”. Said the Rov, “And then I was reminded of Gehinnom”!

    The flippancy displayed by goyim, who are all interested in downplaying what actually happened, is expected. When Yidden use this term, I can only assume that they are tinokos shenishbu – i.e. they were kept away from the survivors and/or their stories. Learn to take seriously what is meant to be serious. There are other terms for stam nasty or violent people.

    I am referring to the people who blogged here, as the article states that the defendents did not call them Nazis. However, people here did.

  27. thanks bupkiss for the reply.

    fyi the article called it “Nazi like beatings” . The casual use of this term by a frum news service is wrong. As sick and cruel as these police officers may act, they are a bunch of boy scouts compared to the actual Nazi’s.

    Editors note: At least ‘copy & paste’ correctly. What was written was “Nazi-style-beatings”.

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