Reply To: Chol Homoed Destinations Sukkos 5769

Home Forums Yom Tov Sukkos Chol Homoed Destinations Sukkos 5769 Reply To: Chol Homoed Destinations Sukkos 5769


Can I assume you’re in the tri-state area? If so, Hamodia will be having a special insert for just that.

And something to bear in mind – is money an object? The activities – movies for the ladies, events, fundraisers, etc. – are all pricey, so you may have to triage.

And remind your kids that you are not their entertainment directors. You can offer, say one big event, a simchas beis hashoeiva, an inexpensive trip such as park, or some museums (don’t know what kind of parks are in your area without major gas and toll investments). Then if they’re bored they can always amuse themselves by peeling potatoes, sorting laundry and putting away that which didn’t get put away, etc.