Reply To: The Jewish National Anthem

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joseph, please read HIS OWN WORDS. He claims to be a “chossid” but does not associate with chabad today. He has not brought down EVEN ONE ‘maamar” from the Rebbe zz’l to bolster his arguments. he dismisses every baal teshuvah movement ,from breslov to chabad to others. I have NEVER EVER hard such arguments from ANY Lubavitcher shaliach.

He barely knows Rav Teichtal from berlin (whom I know personally) and misquotes him too.

So, to say he is a “Lubavitcher chossid” is just not correct. He may claim some allegiance to the Rebbe’s father-in-law, the sixth rebbe, but clearly he is totally out of the mainstream in present-day chabad.

He may run any number of websites, it does not make him a Lubavitcher chossid. Gut shabbos.