Reply To: Scene at O�Hare Airport in Chicago This Past Sunday Afternoon

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Scene at O�Hare Airport in Chicago This Past Sunday Afternoon Reply To: Scene at O�Hare Airport in Chicago This Past Sunday Afternoon

Pashuteh Yid


1) Can you please cite one thing that renders me an apikorus?

2) Can you please show me where I did not display ahavas yisroel unless I was defending somebody who was attacked by a kannai?

3) Regarding the Talibanization issue, here is a chakira for you. Do you hold that A) the methods of the Taliban of physically forcing their religious views on other people via beatings and the like, are completely correct, and that wearing burkas is a praiseworthy halacha or kiyum in tznius, except that by an accident of birth they were simply born into the wrong religion. Had they been born Jewish, and done exactly the same things they do now, they would be tzaddikim gemurim; or do you hold B) that their methods are completely unacceptable, because yiddishkeit is a religion of darchei noam and their use of force to promote their views of tznius means that they are reshaim? Which is it Jent A) or B)? Please explain in detail.