Reply To: Still Fuming At Rabbi Belsky And Mishpacha

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When one does not have an answer to a reasonable comment, it is always easy to insult and accuse the questioner of being somethin ignoble. This is what we have come to with Geshmaknestei’s comment. He does not have an answer to my queries, so he makes me out to be Moses Mendellsohn. Nice try but not enough, young man. I m not sure what you man by saying that “the Torah does not require any particular beleifs and one is free to decide on ones’s own”. I have said, quite consistently that , in matters of PSAK and halacha, you must follow your rebbe. This is incontrovertible. In other matters, which are not ruled by halacha, yes, you can follow your own “sechel”. If you think otherwise, then, yes, you have succumbed to the same mindless belief in the infalliblity of gedolim that is prevalent today. Where does it say that gedolim are smarter or know more of the world because of their zidkus or knowledge? This,indeed, is an invention of modern times. And, pray tell me,which gedolim are you championing? I bet it is not Rav kook, or Rav zvi Hirsch kalisher or Rav shlomo Goren,even the gerrer rebbes and vishnitzer rebbes, who had quite a different view of Eretz yisorel than the Gedolim you follow.

MY point is consistent. In matters of halacha, you must abide by your rebbe’s rules. In other matters , I will not leave my sechel at the door.

And, Pashute Yid, I do rememeber that psak on aveilus. Shame on the Psak givers.