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Thing Big-
I must say that Rev. Wright’s rumblings, about white America, fail in comparison to some somewhat similar things that I heard in my yeshiva days from many Rosh Yeshivas and what I occasionally hear now in some shuls in Flatbush. Thus, I do not think Obama’s attending Wright’s church reflects badly on Obama. Contrary, I think that this association shows Obama’s empathy for his community. Although I do not agree or like Wright’s statements, I understand his frustrations that lead him to those statements. African Americans, as you may know, as a group are not doing to good in comparison to Whites. There is a lot of poverty in their community; many of their families are broken; and they have very few business opportunities.I think it is obvious to any reasonable observer that their current condition is not only African Americans’ fault as some would like you to believe, but in a large measure the result of 200 years of slavery,75 years of apartheid, and after Civil Rights Act of 1964 largely of indifference.Let us not deny their anguished history.